Commercial Solar

Your energy costs are likely 20% to 30% of your general operating budget, month in, month out, that energy bill lands on your desk with a thud. You rely on the local electric utility to keep the lights on so you can concentrate on your core business.

Our goal is to help remove those costs, lower your bill, and allow you to have energy independence from the local electric utility. Freeing up capital to be used elsewhere in your plant or facility. Capital that could be best used to purchase new equipment, hire more people, or just contribute to your bottom line. The power of the sun, providing sustainable energy for your operations can help give you that independence.

MEI Renewables is committed to the Commercial and Industrial solar customer. We have extensive experience in all major system installations: roof, carport, and ground, and we are familiar with working on large commercial sites. We have creative solutions to solve your energy needs.

We offer storage solutions which can be coupled with your solar power plant to reduce demand charges and utilize energy arbitrage and peak load shaving to further reduce your energy costs that solar alone cannot accomplish. Contact us today for a free energy usage evaluation and let us show you what Smart, Simple, Sustainable Solar can do for you!